About the Texas A&M Wide Area Network

The Texas A&M Wide Are Network connects to all the Texas A&M System campuses and provides connectivity to the internet, Internet2, other campuses and data centers.

The Technology Services WAN operations staff.

For phone assitance: 979.845.8437
By email: wan@ttvn.tamus.edu

Email details to Rudy Supak.

All connecting customers pay a percentage through a system assessment calculated from a usage formula.

Internet access is provided from a shared, 'virtual' network operated by Texas A&M University and the University of Texas  through the TXBB Agreement. the network peers with at least two Tier-1 commodity carriers as well as private peerings to content providers.

TXBB is a network operated by agreement with the University of Texas and Texas A&M University.  Texas A&M and UT found that by connecting their private wide area networks, they could provide backup for each other.

Texas A&M and UT agreed to split the costs as evenly as possible.

The Lonestar Education and Research Network (LEARN) is a network/service provider that provides circuits to its customers as well as Internet2 services. Texas A&M WAN buys circuits from LEARN where they are the least cost provider. All Internet2 service in Texas is provided through LEARN and all Texas A&M WAN customers pay a fee for its use.

Internet2 is a research and education network that provides interconnectivity between the members.  The network is designed to provide a shorter, faster path between members.  Texas A&M WAN routing is preferred for usage of Internet2 when possible. All Texas A&M WAN customers pay a fee to use Internet2.